Hygiene/Other Guidelines

Hygiene Guidelines While in the Facility & at Guest Locations

For services away from our usual shop: If you are arriving for a guest artist location/convention please follow all guidelines in place at that location.

For services at Sink-Ink in Stayton, OR: Due to Immune-Compromised staff, sensitivities, and some clientele we work with regularly please adhere to the following while in the facility:


Masking is preferred, but not required.

Come in clean clothes and recently showered with minimal or no perfumes/cologne on

Avoid putting lotion or oils on in the area your tattoo will be placed

Avoid Tanning Beds or Spray Tans at least 1 week before receiving services.

Maintain distance from others as best as you can

Use our cleaning wipes or UV sterilizer for any devices you wish to take into the tattoo area with you, leave other items in the front room (it will be secure)

Wash hands upon arrival, use sanitizer when you leave and re-enter the facility

All food and drink may be consumed not in the tattoo area (water is ok if in a lidded container)

Guest ok on pre-approval, preference is for just the client and tattooer (sorry, no children).

 DO NOT come in if you're even slightly under the weather, a household member is, or anyone you have been around the 10 days leading up to your appointment.

Think ahead: Don't infect your tattoo artist! Thank you!

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